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InventiveTalent's BossBarAPI, compatible with the versions we need (1.12.2/1.13.2)
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(someone) 24dc0088ae
look at me, I rebuilt this for Minecraft 1.13.2 and didn't even test it, what a savage
5 lat temu
resources deleted travis and added LICENSE to the build 7 lat temu
src/org/inventivetalent/bossbar Did a few things 7 lat temu
.gitignore Did a few things 7 lat temu
LICENSE Add 'LICENSE' 7 lat temu
README read this! 7 lat temu
pom.xml look at me, I rebuilt this for Minecraft 1.13.2 and didn't even test it, what a savage 5 lat temu


This is AlexMCS's version of InventiveTalent's BossBarAPI

This really has one major goal: Keep up to date. InventiveTalent doesn't 
updat the plugin anymore, so we're just recompiling to make sure it 
continues to work with the latest versions of Minecraft.

In addition, we remove some of the extra fluff (like metrics) and reduce 

How to build: clone this repo and run `mvn install`, the artifacts will 
be dropped in `target`

You can download my build from the releases page.

Thanks! :)